Daniel Davila, P.E. Presented with Best WEFTEC Program Abstract Award

Congratulations to CMA Director of Water and Sewer and Principal Engineer Danny Davila, P.E. who recently received the Best WEFTEC Program Abstract Award at the WEFTEC Awards Conference! The event was held September 30-October 4 in Chicago. Danny received the award for the “Horizontal Directional Drilling of 7 miles of Large Diameter Forcemain through Downtown Fort Lauderdale” project. CMA Chief Executive Officer – President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, FACEC and Executive Vice President – Business Development Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE were also in attendance.

The event is the largest conference of its kind in North America and offers water quality professionals from around the world water quality education and training. WEFTEC (Water Environment Federation’s Technical Exhibition and Conference) serves as a forum for domestic and international business opportunities and promotes invaluable peer-to-peer networking among registrants.  #WEFTEC #ChenMoore #BestoftheBest  https://www.weftec.org/about/about-weftec/

Karen RachlesDaniel Davila, P.E. Presented with Best WEFTEC Program Abstract Award