February 14, 2020
Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP
President, Chen Moore and Associates
Last week: News that Port Everglades was one of two seaports nationwide to receive a construction “New Start” designation in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the 2020 Work Plan was released this past week. This designation funds $29.1 million to build a new facility for the U.S. Coast Guard Station Fort Lauderdale further east so the Intracoastal Waterway can be widened by 250 feet where large cargo ships currently can’t move past docked cruise ships. It is anticipated that the project will create 2,200 construction jobs and nearly 1,500 permanent direct jobs locally resulting from additional cargo capacity.
Looking ahead: It is a critical time in the Florida Legislature’s 2020 session. We’re past the halfway point. Subcommittees have stopped meeting effectively killing most new legislation. Identifying what is most important to you as an individual is a critical thing. I’m watching several bills that impact my business, my industry and, most importantly, my family. I challenge every person that reads this to watch just one committee or full vote on a bill. It’s a great learning experience.