February 21, 2020
Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP
President, Chen Moore and Associates
Last week: While most people were aware Presidents’ Day was last week, they likely didn’t realize that this fell within National Engineer’s Week. While I’ve been writing about this in the SF100 every year since I was invited to be in this prestigious group, but I think this is the first year that the average reader may care. Between broken sewers, sea level rise and boil water orders, the general public finally understands the importance of engineering and infrastructure in their everyday lives. I’m proud to be an engineer and with proper funding and public patience, we’ll get the infrastructure fixed.
Looking ahead: In the next few weeks, our Legislature will again do something relatively miraculous. In only 60 days, a group of an amazing 160 people will wrap up the business of a State that has a GDP of about $1 Trillion, comparable to France or Germany. Do they always get along? No. Do they get business done? Yes. I’m proud of everyone in the Legislature for giving of themselves, putting their private lives on public display and, more than anything, caring enough to serve. The next few weeks won’t be easy, thank you.