
2024 South Florida Business Journal Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 13. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.
2024 Jacksonville Business Journal Top Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 18. The list includes 42 engineering firms located in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau, Baker, Putnam and Flagler counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2023 South Florida Business Journal Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 12. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2023 Jacksonville Business Journal Top Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 18. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau, Baker, Putnam and Flagler counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2023 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For Award & Hot Firm List
Ranked number 30 in the multidiscipline category and 15 for the 100-199 employee’s category. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees. Ranked number 30 in the Hot Firms List. The list recognizes the 100 fastest-growing engineering, architecture, planning and environmental consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada. These are the firms that have outperformed the economy and competitors to become leaders in their chosen fields.

2023 Award of Excellence Award American Society of Landscape Architecture
CMA and the OLIN Team was awarded the 2023 Award of Excellence in the Planning and Analysis Category from the American Society of Landscape Architecture for the Currie Park project.

Merit Award at the 2023 DBIA Florida Region Design Build Awards
CMA was awarded the 2023 Merit Award at the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) Florida Region Design Build Awards for the SFWMD Homestead Field Station project.

2023 American Architecture Award
CMA and the OLIN Team’s Currie Park project will receive the American Architecture Award for 2023 from the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies. Now celebrating the 29th year, The American Architectural Awards® are the nation’s highest and most prestigious distinguished building awards program that honor new and cutting-edge design in the United States.

2022 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For Award & Hot Firm List
Ranked number 31 in the multidiscipline category and 16 for the 100-199 employees category. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees. Ranked number 56 in the Hot Firms List. The list recognizes the 100 fastest-growing engineering, architecture, planning and environmental consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada. These are the firms that have outperformed the economy and competitors to become leaders in their chosen fields

South Florida Top Workplace Sun Sentinel 2022
The awards recognize companies deemed by their employees to be the Top Workplace in South Florida. CMA ranked 33rd in the small employer group.

City of Fort Lauderdale Emergency Bypass 48″ Forcemain
CMA was awarded the 2022 Grand Award from The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC-FL) for the Fort Lauderdale Emergency Bypass 48” Forcemain project

2022 Jacksonville Business Journal Largest Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 14. The list includes 32 engineering firms located in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau, Baker, Putnam and Flagler counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2022 South Florida Business Journal Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 15. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2022 ASCE FL Section Project of the Year
CMA was awarded the 2022 ASCE FL Section Project of the Year for the City of Fort Lauderdale Redundant Forcemain project.

2021 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For Award & Hot Firm List
Ranked number 38 in the multidiscipline category and 17 for the 50-100 employees category. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees. Ranked number 83 in the Hot Firms List. The list recognizes the 100 fastest-growing engineering, architecture, planning and environmental consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada. These are the firms that have outperformed the economy and competitors to become leaders in their chosen fields.

South Florida Top Workplace Sun Sentinel 2021
The awards recognize companies deemed by their employees to be the Top Workplace in South Florida. CMA ranked 17th in the small employer group.

“Best of Places to Work South Florida”
South Florida Business Journal 2021. The awards recognize companies deemed by their employees to be the Best Places to Work in South Florida. CMA ranked 9th in the medium-sized business category

Top 25 Engineering Firms List
CMA was part of the team awarded the Excellence Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) for the FLL North Runway Pavement Rehabilitation project. CMA provided civil engineering and CEI services as a subconsultant.

ACEC Excellence Honor Award
CMA was part of the team awarded the Excellence Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) for the FLL North Runway Pavement Rehabilitation project. CMA provided civil engineering and CEI services as a subconsultant.

“Business of the Year”
South Florida Business Journal 2020. Ranked number one in the $3 million – $24 million category. The program honors companies that set the standard for growth, service, quality, innovation and execution of a superb business strategy.

2020 Hot Firm List
Ranked number 62 in the Hot Firms List. The list recognizes the 100 fastest-growing engineering, architecture, planning and environmental consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada. These are the firms that have outperformed the economy and competitors to become leaders in their chosen fields.

2020 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work
Ranked number 24 in the multidiscipline category. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees

“Best of Places to Work South Florida”
South Florida Business Journal 2020. The awards recognize companies deemed by their employees to be the Best Places to Work in South Florida. CMA ranked 8th in the medium-sized business category.

American Sports Builders Association Award
CMA was awarded the American Sports Builders Association Award 2020 Distinguished Single Field Facility for Orange Bowl Field at Glades Pioneer Park project. CMA provided civil engineering and landscape architecture services.

2020 South Florida Business Journal
Top 25 Engineering Firms List. Ranked number 19. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2019 “Go Big, Go Fast Infrastructure Improvement Program- 30” Force Main Repair” Awards
CMA was awarded the 2019 ASCE Broward Branch Projectof the Year and the Engineering Excellence Honor Awardfrom The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC-FL) for the Fort Lauderdale FM Rehab, HDD & Swageline (1-4) project.

2019 Zweig Group Best Firms To Work For Award
Ranked number 38 in the multidiscipline category. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees.

2019 Zweig White Hot Firm List
Ranked number 70. The list recognizes the 100 fastestgrowing engineering, architecture, planning and environmental consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada. These are the firms that have outperformed the economy and competitors to become leaders in their chosen fields.

“Best of Places to Work South Florida”
South Florida Business Journal 2020. The awards recognize companies deemed by their employees to be the Best Places to Work in South Florida. CMA ranked 11th in the medium-sized business category

2019 South Florida Business Journal
Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 18. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2018 Miami Beach Sunset Islands 3 & 4 ROW Improvement Program
CMA was awarded the Project of the Year by the CubanAmerican Association of Cuban Engineers and was awarded the Project of the Year award by the ASCE for the Miami Beach Sunset Islands 3 & 4 ROW Improvement Program project

2018 Zweig White Hot Firm List
Ranked number 88. The list recognizes the 100 fastestgrowing engineering, architecture, planning and environmental consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada. These are the firms that have outperformed the economy and competitors to become leaders in their chosen fields.

2018 Zweig Group Marketing Excellence Awards
Ranked number 5 in the external communications category and number 5 in the social media category. The award recognizes the top firms outstanding and effective marketing in the industry.

2018 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For Award
Ranked number 26 in the multidiscipline category. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees.

“Best of Places to Work South Florida”
South Florida Business Journal 2018
The awards recognize companies deemed by their employees to be the Best Places to Work in South Florida. CMA ranked 9th in the medium-sized business category

2018 South Florida Business Journal
Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 22. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2017 South Florida Business Journal
Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 19. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2017 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For Award
Ranked number 5 in the landscape architecture categoryand 32 in the multidiscipline category. The awardrecognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees.

2016 Zweig Group Fast Growth Award
The award is presented to firms who achieved growth of 20% or more in a year. The Fast Growth Award gives CMA the distinction of outpacing our industry significantly with high growth.

2016 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For Award
Ranked number 32 in the multidiscipline category. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees.

2016 South Florida Business Journal
Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 15. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2015 South Florida Business Journal
Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 18. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2015 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For Award
Ranked number 42 in the civil engineering category. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees.

2014 South Florida Business Journal
Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 12. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2014 CE News Best Firms to Work For Award
Ranked number 31 in the multidiscipline category and number 99 overall in the in the Top 100 of all firms. The award recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates and rewards employees.

2014 Zweig White Hot Firm List
Ranked number 98. The list recognizes the 100 fastestgrowing engineering, architecture, planning and environmental consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada. These are the firms that have outperformed the economy and competitors to become leaders in their chosen fields.

2013 South Florida Business Journal
Top 25 Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 16. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by number of licensed engineers.

2013 ENR Southeast Top Design Firms List
Ranked as one of the top design firms to include Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. This list ranks the largest U.S.-based design firms both publicly and privately held, based on design-specific revenue.

2013 American Public Works Association Florida Chapter
Public Works Project of the Year Award
Lauderdale-By-The-Sea Commercial Blvd. Renovation Awarded for demonstrating the ability to complete work on time and with cooperation from the town, design consultants, engineer and the contractor.
2006-2012 AWARDS

2012 City of Fort Lauderdale
Community Appearance Award
Fort Lauderdale Beach Park
For outstanding achievement in urban design. Wall replacement and parking lot improvements.

2012 ASCE Employer Recognition Award for Support of Younger Members
CMA recognized for its encouragement and exemplary support of Younger Member involvement in ASCE activities

2012 South Florida Business Journal
Top Engineering Firms List
Ranked number 20. The list includes 24 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by top gross billings.

Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches
2009 Business of the Year Award
Celebrates businesses who have demonstrated active participation in Chamber activities, economic impact on Palm Beach County and commitment to community

Environmental Business Journal
Project Merit Award for water/wastewater projects

Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches 2008 Athena Award
Honoring businesses that have achieved professional excellence, actively served the community, and helped women to reach their leadership potential.

“Best of Places to Work South Florida”
South Florida Business Journal 2006 and 2007

“Best Civil Engineering Firms to Work For”
CE News 2006 – 2008

Small Business of the Year 2007 and 2008
Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce

Recognized for “Exemplary Support of Young Engineer Involvement in ASCE Activities”
Miami-Dade County Firm of the Year 2007

2007 CE News Pinnacle Award Winner
Recognizing industry leader in both revenue growth and for creating a quality workplace with high employee satisfaction.

Zweig-White Hot Firm List 2007 and 2008
Ranked one of 200 Fastest-Growing A/E/P &
Environmental Consulting Firms.

2007 South Florida Business Journal
Fastest Growing Private Companies
26th Place and the only civil engineering firm in the top 40

Environmental Business Journal 2007 Business Achievement Awards
Bronze Medal, Consulting & Engineering: Small Firms