CMA Staff Attended Joint Professional Societies Legislative Breakfast

CMA Staff Attended Joint Professional Societies Legislative Breakfast

CMA staff members Jose L. Acosta, David Cowan, Suzanne Dombrowski, Shahin Hekmat, Diego Jara Li, Tanya McCormick, Nick Musick, Justin Tagle and Brent Whitfield attended the 2021 Joint Professional Societies Legislative Breakfast at the Doubletree by Hilton in Palm Beach Gardens on December 14. CMA served as a table sponsor and Brent lead the event organizing committee and moderated the panelists who presented on planning for a resilient Florida.

Karen RachlesCMA Staff Attended Joint Professional Societies Legislative Breakfast
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CMA Donates to ASCE East Central Branch Younger Member Forum Food Drive

CMA Donates to ASCE East Central Branch Younger Member Forum Food Drive

The CMA Community Service Committee in the Orlando Office participated in the ASCE Younger Member Forum Food Drive in Winter Park on November 17. A total of 563 pounds of canned goods were donated to Second Harvest food bank!  CMA Associate Engineer Madeline Batey coordinated the collection and delivery of the canned goods. Thank you to everyone who helped make this food drive a success!

Karen RachlesCMA Donates to ASCE East Central Branch Younger Member Forum Food Drive
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CMA Staff Donates to Feeding South Florida for Annual Food Drive

CMA Staff Donates to Feeding South Florida for Annual Food Drive

CMA’s Community Service Committee held our annual food drive this month to benefit Feeding South Florida (FSF) and raised $440 dollars in addition to collecting six boxes of donations. CMA donated 185 pounds of food which is the equivalent of 154 meals! CMA Senior Engineer Jennifer Smith, P.E. delivered the donations to the FSF warehouse on November 12. FSF partners with over 400 nonprofit agencies and distributes 44 million pounds of food annually throughout Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. Thank you to our entire team for your generosity and support!

Karen RachlesCMA Staff Donates to Feeding South Florida for Annual Food Drive
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CMA Staff Members Inducted at FES Broward Branch Ceremony

CMA Staff Members Inducted at FES Broward Branch Ceremony

The FES Broward Branch Induction was held virtually on November 10th. The President of FES, Carlos Penin, P.E. inducted CMA Project Engineer Teresa Lewis, P.E. as President, CMA Project Engineer Vince Locigno, P.E. as Vice President, and CMA Engineer Charmaine Emanuels, E.I as the Scholarship and Student Liaison Chair. Other CMA staff members Safiya Brea, P.E., Shahin Hekmat, P.E., and Daniel Davila, P.E. attended to support the branch and newly inducted members.

Karen RachlesCMA Staff Members Inducted at FES Broward Branch Ceremony
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Robert Best, P.E. Helped to Author ASCE Florida Infrastructure Report Card

Robert Best, P.E. Helped to Author ASCE Florida Infrastructure Report Card

CMA Principal Engineer/Orlando Office Leader Robert Best, P.E. helped to author a portion of the 2021 Florida Infrastructure Report Card with other ASCE members. Rob’s research was specific to drinking water. The ASCE Report Card is a comprehensive assessment of Florida’s infrastructure and was released last month in Tampa after two years in the making. The release took place at the Marriott Tampa Airport and featured CMA President and FLASCE Past President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, FACEC, David Gwynn, P.E., Secretary, FDOT District 7, State Senator Jeff Brandes in addition to Report Card Chair Kathi Ruvarac and Section President Tzufit Boyle.  Congratulations to the entire team!


Karen RachlesRobert Best, P.E. Helped to Author ASCE Florida Infrastructure Report Card
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CMA Staff Attended FMEA Energy Connections Conference & Trade Show

CMA Staff Attended FMEA Energy Connections Conference & Trade Show

Principal Engineer/Orlando Office Leader Rob Best, Jr., P.E., Engineer/Electrical Thy Duong, E.I., Sr. Engineer Electrical/Substation Team Lead John Franko, P.E. and Vice President/Electrical Thomas Gardner, P.E. attended the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) Energy Connections Conference & Trade Show at the Marriott Orlando Airport on November 3rd and 4th.  FMEA is the non-profit trade association representing the unified interests of Florida’s 33 public power communities and provides its members with government relations, mutual aid coordination, communications, education, and networking opportunities.

Karen RachlesCMA Staff Attended FMEA Energy Connections Conference & Trade Show
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