CMA Participated in Miami-Dade ASCE Field Day

CMA Participated in Miami-Dade ASCE Field Day

On February 8, CMA staff participated in the Miami-Dade ASCE Field Day at Zoo Miami benefitting local students studying civil engineering. CMA was an event sponsor and finished in third place overall! Attendees included Greg Mendez, P.E., Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E., Sathvika Ramaji, E.I., Nick Karpathy, E.I., Carlos Tijerino, Manny Caamano, Jazmin Cruz, and Chris Donnelly. Nick Karpathy, E.I. organized the event.

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ASCE In Philly

ASCE In Philly

Representatives of CMA Robert Best, P.E., Teresa Lewis, E.I., Carlos Tijerino, and Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP attended the ASCE Multi-Region Leadership Conference January 31 – February 1 in Philadelphia.  

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CMA Staff Participates in Future City Competition

CMA Staff Participates in Future City Competition

CMA Vice President Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE served as co-chair and Senior Engineer Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E. and Associate Engineer Carlos Tijerino served as judges for the Future City Competition held January 11 at FIU College of Engineering. Future City is a project-based learning program where students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future. This year there were 11 local teams competing for top prizes and six special awards.   St Hugh Catholic School was the winning school and is pictured with other co-chair Dave Clarke of Stantec, the Dean of the College Engineering at FIU and the Assistant Dean (Dr Osama Mohammed) who served as the lead for the SE Region of Future Cities. For more information, please visit

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NASA of the Vehicle Assembly Building Dedication Ceremony

NASA of the Vehicle Assembly Building Dedication Ceremony

CMA President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP presented a dedication at NASA of the Vehicle Assembly Building designating it as an ASCE National Historic Landmark to the NASA Director.  Kevin J. Thibault, Secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation and other CMA staff members were in attendance.

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CMA 2019 Philanthropic Activities

CMA 2019 Philanthropic Activities

In 2019, Chen Moore and Associates continued to participate in community service projects throughout the Tri-County area and we look forward to how we can help our communities in 2020! Our projects from last year include:

  • Adopt a Family – Provided holiday gifts for a family in need in West Palm Beach
  • United Way  –  Supported the United Way green initiative and participated in the 28th Annual Day of Caring in Broward County
  • Making Strides Against Breast Cancer – Raised $526 towards breast cancer research and participated in the events in Fort Lauderdale and Miami
  • Wear Pink Day – To support breast cancer awareness
  • Quantum House – Prepared and served meals to families whose children are receiving treatment in Palm Beach County for serious medical conditions.
  • International Coastal Cleanup – Beach cleanup at El Pardo Park in Lauderdale-By-The Sea
  • ACE Mentor Program – Participated in the after-high school program to mentor students interested in the field of engineering
  • FES Golf Tournament – Sponsored a team to play and raise money for student scholarships.
  • ASCE Bowl-A-Thon – Sponsored two teams to play and raise money for student scholarships
  • Hurricane Donations – Collected items of need for Hurricane Dorian victims in the Bahamas
  • Back-to-School Drive – Collected school supplies to benefit the Broward Education Foundation School Supply Center program
  • HOPE South Florida – Volunteered feeding homeless people through the Shared Meal Program and clothing donations
  • Habitat for Humanity – Prepared infrastructure at new Habitat Houses
  • Relay For Life – Started fundraiser and raised money for American Cancer Society
  • Broward Partnership Breaking Bread Program – Served dinner to those living in the Broward Partnership Shelter and also prepared sandwiches
  • Kayak Community Cleanup – Volunteers teamed in kayaks and collected eight burlap sacks of waste along Pelican Island in Miami
  • SMPS/ABC Cares Foundation – Participated in and donated to the SMPS South Florida Paint & Sip Networking Social at Uptown Art Boca Raton to benefit ABC Cares Foundation
  • Palm Beach County Food Bank/CANstruction – CMA teamed with Johnson-Davis Construction to participate in this fundraising competition; a design out of food cans were built and then donated to the PBC Food Bank
  • FES Broward Equestrian Volunteer Program – Assisted Equine-Assisted Therapies of South Florida; the group raised and leveled the barn and installed new scratching posts
  • Feeding South Florida – Participated in the Annual Outrun Hunger 5K Event
  • Paddleboarding/Trash Cleanup in Miami – Participated in a paddle boarding/kayaking trash cleanup at Morningside Park in Miami
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CMA Donates to Adopt-A-Family

CMA Donates to Adopt-A-Family

CMA sponsored a young family of four living in Palm Beach County, as part of the Adopt-A-Family program. Adopt-A-Family’s mission is to strengthen families with children in their efforts to achieve stability and self-sufficiency by providing access to all-encompassing services. Since 1983, Adopt-A-Family has grown into the largest service provider for homeless families in Palm Beach County — providing access to services for more than 2,000 families with children per year.

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CMA Staff Participates in Broward United Way Day of Caring

CMA Staff Participates in Broward United Way Day of Caring

CMA continued our tradition of helping those in need this holiday season by participating in the Broward United Way Day of Caring event on December 18 at the BB&T Center in Sunrise. Our team included Jennifer Smith, P.E.; Johanna Zona; Megan Schmidt; Jazmin Cruz; Safiya Brea, P.E., LEED AP; Charmaine Emanuels, E.I.; and Rex Robinson. The team assisted in preparing oatmeal package meals. The event prepared over 300,000 food packages and boxed meals that will be delivered to local food banks and feeding pantries through United Way’s Project Lifeline program. The day’s event packaged over 300,000 meals! Thanks to the CMA Community Service Committee for coordinating the event!  For more information, please visit 

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CMA Annual Holiday Party Celebrated in Fort Lauderdale

CMA Annual Holiday Party Celebrated in Fort Lauderdale

Our CMA annual holiday party was held on December 13 at the Riverside Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. The evening included a welcome speech from Peter and a year-in-review slide show, reliving both firm and employee milestones throughout 2019. A photo booth with holiday props was also available for everyone’s enjoyment.  Thank you to the Social Activities Committee for planning the event!


(Click on the image to the left for a larger view)

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CMA Reps Attended Florida Tax Watch

CMA Reps Attended Florida Tax Watch

CMA President Peter Moore P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP; Vice President Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE; CMA Board of Directors member Ray Monteleone; and CMA Board of Directors member John Zumwalt attended the Florida Tax Watch’s 40th Anniversary celebration, conference and meetings at the Breakers in West Palm Beach on December 2nd through the 4th. Jose completed their Citizenship Institute Program. Peter and Ray also serve as trustees. John Zumwalt received an award for being a past chairman.

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