CMA Staff Involved in Leadership Florida

CMA Staff Involved in Leadership Florida

CMA Vice President Jose Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE recently graduated from the Cornerstone Class 37 of Leadership Florida. The program includes programming on issues critical to Florida, leadership skills assessment and training, and relevant information on Florida’s history, demography, diversities, and opportunities. CMA Director of Water Resources Brent Whitfield, P.E., ENV SP was recently accepted into the upcoming Cornerstone Class 38. Congrats!

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Jennifer Smith, P.E. Graduates From Leadership Broward Program

Jennifer Smith, P.E. Graduates From Leadership Broward Program

CMA Sr. Engineer Jennifer Smith, P.E. graduated from Leadership Broward on June 7. Leadership Broward is an educational program focused on enhancing leadership skills, providing practical community action experience, and facilitating interaction with established community leaders. Congratulations! For more information, please visit

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CMA Staff Attended Events With ASCE National President

CMA Staff Attended Events With ASCE National President

Miami-Dade ASCE Branch Vice President and CMA Associate Engineer Carlos Tijerino attended an event with ASCE National president elect Kancheepuram N. Gunalan, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, F.ASCE at Titan America Structural Testing Laboratory at FIU on June 5. A social event was also held at Pisco y Nazca Ceviche Gastrobar where Dr. Guna gave a presentation for his 2020 Presidential vision. 


CMA staff Jose Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE, Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E. and Carlos also attended a Miami-Dade ASCE Branch event on June 4 in Coral Gables with Dr. Gunalan. Other attendees included students from ASCE’s FIU and UM chapters and branch and former section leadership. CMA President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP also serves on the national board with Dr. Gunalan.

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Brent Whitfield, P.E., ENV SP Co-Authored Article in FES Journal

Brent Whitfield, P.E., ENV SP Co-Authored Article in FES Journal

CMA Director of Water Resources/Senior Engineer Brent Whitfield, P.E., ENV SP co-authored an article, Flood Protection: Predicting and Managing the Future, which appears in the June 2019 FES Journal. The article details the critical importance of the SFWMD’s Flood Protection Level of Service program and identifies the infrastructure upgrades needed to prepare Florida for the future. Congratulations Brent!

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CMA Ranks in Zweig Group Best Firms and Hot Firms List

CMA Ranks in Zweig Group Best Firms and Hot Firms List

CMA placed #38 in the Multi-Discipline category in the Zweig Group Best Firms to Work for Awards and #70 in the Hot Firms list!  The Best Firms award celebrates top AEC firms based on workplace practices, benefits, retention rates, and more. Firms are ranked on the Hot Firms list by a score comprised of both dollar and percentage revenue growth rate over a three-year period. CMA will receive the award at the upcoming Elevate AEC Conference October 2-4 in Las Vegas. Thank you to our entire staff for completing the survey and congratulations!

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CMA Sponsored ASCE Tri-County Workshop

CMA Sponsored ASCE Tri-County Workshop

CMA staff participated in the ASCE Tri-County Workshop as a gold sponsor at the Long Key Natural Area & Nature Center in Davie. Pictured from left to right Brent Whitfield, P.E., ENV SP, Sathvika Ramaji, EI, Carlos Tijerino, Dr. Ben Chen, P.E., BCEE, Jennifer Smith, P.E., Teresa Lewis, EI, Safiya Brea, P.E., LEED AP, Charmaine Emanuels, EI, Elizabeth Hanna, David Castro, P.E. and Daniel Davila, P.E. The workshop included presentations by industry leaders from the public and private sectors involved in South Florida’s infrastructure. It also provided an open forum for professionals, elected officials and the general public to discuss concerns in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Topics included stormwater, transit/transportation and water/wastewater.  Proceeds will be shared equally by the Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Branches to fund student scholarships.  A special thank you to our Sr. Engineer and President of the ASCE Broward Branch Jennifer Smith, P.E., who helped organize the event and was on the planning committee.

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CMA Staff Participated in Broward Partnership Breaking Bread Program

CMA Staff Participated in Broward Partnership Breaking Bread Program

CMA staff (pictured left to right) Danny Davila, P.E., Elizabeth Hanna, Jennifer Smith, P.E., Johanna Zona, Charmaine Emanuels, EI and Jazmin Cruz attended the Broward Partnership, Breaking Bread Breaking Barriers event on May 22. The team served dinner to those living in the Broward Partnership Shelter and also prepared sandwiches.


The Broward Partnership provides over 100,000 meals a year. Every day, program participants are served breakfast, lunch and dinner to 230 men, women and children experiencing homelessness on their campus. For more information, please visit:

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CMA Participated in CANSTRUCTION Fundraiser

CMA Participated in CANSTRUCTION Fundraiser

CMA teamed with Johnson-Davis Construction to participate in a fundraiser event called CANSTRUCTION, with proceeds going to the Palm Beach County Food Bank. This year’s event was held in Palm Beach Gardens, FL at The Gardens Mall from May 6-19. Our team built their sculpture at the mall on May 5 from 6pm-12am.  At the end of the two-week exhibition, each one of the sculptures was “decanstructed” and the food donated to the Palm Beach County Food Bank. In 2017, over 32,000 pounds of food was collected from these sculptures and distributed to hungry individuals and families in our community. Below is a link to our WPB’s CANstruction time lapse video.


Congratulations to Leo A Daly & The Weitz Company who won The People’s Choice Award for their purse design.


CMA would like to thank our sponsors and everyone who donated towards this great cause!

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CMA Staff Attended BLOC 62nd Annual Gala

CMA Staff Attended BLOC 62nd Annual Gala

CMA staff Natalie Mecklenburg (Jason), Dr. Ben Chen (Susan), Safiya Brea (Mark), Daniel Davila (Scarlett) and Jennifer and Derrick Smith attended the Broward League of Cities Annual Gala as a bronze sponsor on May 18 at the Margaritaville Beach Resort in Hollywood. The event celebrated the League’s 62nd anniversary and the installation of the 2019 – 2020 officers. For more information, please visit

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