Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE, Cris Betancourt, RLA, Danny Davila, P.E., Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP and Brent Whitfield, P.E., ENV SP attended the FES/ACEC Professional Engineer Legislative Days in Tallahassee on Tuesday and Wednesday where they met most of the legislators and/or staff that represent Southeast Florida. CMA also sponsored the FES led social on Tuesday. For more information, please visit
CMA Participated in the Annual Miami-Dade ASCE Field Day Event
CMA participated in the 7th Annual Miami-Dade ASCE Field Day Event on Saturday as a beverage sponsor. The event is a fundraiser for UM and FIU student scholarships and included tug-of-war, giant jenga, and ladder golf competitions. For more information, please visit
CMA Sponsored Joint Professional Societies Annual Legislative Breakfast
Chen Moore and Associates Director of Water Resources/Senior Engineer Brent Whitfield, P.E., ENV SP coordinated the Joint Professional Societies Annual Legislative Breakfast at the Palm Beach Gardens Marriott Hotel on Friday. Participants had the opportunity to meet local legislators, share opinions and learn about the 2019 legislative session. The event was hosted by several organizations including ASCE Palm Beach Branch and The Palm Beach County Planning Congress. CMA served as a premium sponsor and several of our staff attended the event as well.
Senior Engineer Safiya Brea, P.E., LEED AP Appointed to Florida Engineers Management Corporation
Chen Moore and Associates Senior Engineer Safiya Brea, P.E., LEED AP was recently appointed to the Florida Engineers Management Corporation. She was appointed to a four-year term by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers on November 1, 2018. Congratulations Safiya! For more information, please visit
CMA Staff Attended The ASCE MRLC Conference in Orlando
CMA staff members Madeley Arriola Guerrero, EI, Carlos Tijerino, Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP, Teresa Lewis, EI and Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E. (left to right) attended the ASCE Multi-Region Leadership Conference (MRLC) for Regions 1, 2, 4 and 5 in Orlando January 25-26. The conference included the Workshop for Section and Branch Leaders (WSBL), the Eastern Region Younger Member Council (ERYMC) and the Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders (WSCL). For more information, please visit
CMA Staff Participates in First Community Service Event of 2019
Chen Moore and Associates staff members participated in a paddle boarding/kayaking trash cleanup at Morningside Park in Miami. Approximately 10 bags of trash were collected at nearby uninhabited islands while enjoying beautiful Biscayne Bay. Thank you to the Community Service Committee for planning the event!
CMA Vice President Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE Served as Co-Chair for Future City Competition
Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE served as a co-chair for the Future City Competition at FIU College of Engineering. 42 schools started the competition in August and seven moved on to compete in the South Florida Region competition. Future City is a national competition in which groups of middle school students present their idea of what a city would look like 100 years from now and how that city would effectively deal with the demands of a global sustainability problem. The project involves several components: a virtual model of the futuristic city, a physical model of a section of the city, an essay and a presentation. The students work with guidance from their teacher and an engineering mentor. For more information, please visit
CMA Sponsored and Attended FES Broward Chapter Legislative Breakfast
The Florida Engineering Society (FES) Broward Chapter had a legislative breakfast with Rep. Chip LaMarca, Rep. Patricia Williams, and Rep. Bobby DuBose. The speakers presented on the protection of trust funds and internships in STEM fields. CMA was one of the title sponsors. Our Associate Engineer Vincent Locigno, EI chaired the event and our President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP was the Master of Ceremony for the discussion. For more information, please visit
CMA Held Our Commitment to Participate in More Community Service Projects in 2018
In the past couple of years, Chen Moore and Associates made a resolution to participate in more community service projects. We are proud to have kept our resolution and projects from 2018 include:
- MLK Day of Service – Painted a school in Miami and organized school supplies through Leadership Florida Connect
- EF2D Engineering Family Fun Day Helped students with engineering skills
- Feeding South Florida Participated in the Annual Outrun Hunger 5K Event
- MATHCOUNTS Volunteered in a math competition for students
- HOPE South Florida Volunteered feeding homeless people through the Shared Meal Program and clothing donations
- HOPE South Florida Held clothing drive
- Habitat for Humanity Prepared infrastructure at new Habitat Houses
- Ballroom Blitz Supported and participated in the Ballroom Blitz benefitting the West Palm Beach Athletic Club
- Relay For Life Started fundraiser and raised money for American Cancer Society
- United Way Supported the United Way green initiative and participated in the 27th Annual Day of Caring in Broward County
- STEM Presentation Presented on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) at a middle school
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Hosted students in the office and taught them about the profession
- Education Foundation of Palm Beach County Red Apple School Supplies Hosted school supply drive
- Cross-Fit Competition Supported a fundraiser for breast cancer
- International Coastal Cleanup Beach cleanup throughout the Tri-County area and river cleanup in the Orlando area
- Hurricane Donations Collected items of need for Hurricane Michael victims in the Panhandle area
- Men of Style Our President and CEO Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP was a contender in the Men of Style charity event and represented and benefitted Leadership Broward
- Adopt a Park Cleaned up a park a minimum of 4 times per year
- Lotus House Provided clothing donations
- Broward Engineer for a Day Event Through ASCE, hosted a group of students to educate them on our profession
- Wear Pink Day To support breast cancer awareness
- Feeding South Florida Thanksgiving food drive, CMA was one of the winners of the Food Frenzy competition earning the title of Thanksgiving Hero
- Covenant House Florida Sponsorship for Sleep Out: South Florida; to help build awareness of the homeless youth population
- Adopt a Family Provided holiday gifts for a family in need in West Palm Beach
A special thank you to our Community Service Committee for coordinating the events!
Happy New Year From CMA!
Happy New Year From CMA!