Happy Holidays to you and yours from Chen Moore and Associates!
CMA Employees Participated in Adopt-a-Family Program
In the spirit of the holiday season and in an effort to give back and support our community, CMA staff recently donated to the Adopt-A-Family of The Palm Beaches. Wrapped donations included clothing, toys and household items for a family of two children. Thank you to the Community Service committee for coordinating the drive. For more information, please visit https://adoptafamilypbc.org/
Chen Moore Holiday Party
The Chen Moore holiday party was held last Friday night at Roxys Pub and Rooftop in West Palm Beach. The event was a great opportunity for our employees, guests and board members to socialize and commemorate a successful 2018. The evening included a welcome speech from our President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP, recognition of superior achievements, a year-in-review slide show, reliving both firm and employee milestones throughout 2018 and two videos highlighting our community service activities and our engineering efforts. A photo booth with holiday props was also available for everyones enjoyment. Thank you to the Social Activities Committee for planning the event!
United Way Day of Caring
CMA participated in The United Way Day of Caring on December 11 at the BB&T Center in Sunrise. Our team successfully packaged 40 boxes of 1,440 meals! More than 700 volunteers prepared 300,000 food packages and boxed meals that were delivered to 25 local food banks and feeding pantries through United Way’s Project Lifeline program. Thanks to the CMA Community Service Committee for coordinating the event! For more information, please visit http://www.unitedwaybroward.org/
Happy Holidays From CMA!
“Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a new year of peace and happiness!”
CMA Named ‘Ultimate Hunger Hero
Chen Moore and Associates was a winner of Feeding South Floridas (FSF) Thanksgiving Food Frenzy 2018, named Ultimate Hunger Hero and recognized at the Happy Harvest Donor Recognition Breakfast! We were able to provide 2,376 meals to those in need of assistance. Feeding South Florida is the sole Feeding America food bank serving Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe Counties. They distribute 50.5 million pounds (42 million meals) of food per year, as well as lead hunger and poverty advocacy efforts and provide innovative programming and education. Thank you Feeding South Florida for your efforts to end hunger in South Florida and thanks to the Chen Moore family for their contributions. For more information on FSF please visit www.feedingsouthflorida.org!
CMA To Receive Engineering Excellence Award
CMA will receive an Engineering Excellence Award from The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC-FL). The Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) acknowledges Florida engineering firms for their ground-breaking applications and intricate projects. CMA will be presented with the HONOR Award for the Go Big, Go Fast Infrastructure Improvement Program- 30 Force Main Repair project for the City of Fort Lauderdale. CMA is a subconsultant to Murphy Pipeline Contractors. The event will be held at the 2019 FES/ACEC-FL Annual Conference Banquet held July 26th, 2019 at the Vinoy® Renaissance in St. Petersburg. Congratulations!
Leadership Broward Top Beneficiary at Men of Style Event
CMA would like to thank everyone who attended the Men of Style charity event to support our President Peter Moore P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP on November 29. The event was held at the Galleria Mall in Fort Lauderdale. Peter was nominated by the Leadership Broward Foundation (LBF) who was the top beneficiary with a record breaking $95,000 in donations. Peter previously served as Chairman of the Board for LBF. The 12 Men of Style honorees modeled clothing from Dillards and Macys department stores on the runway and nearly 1,000 people were in attendance. In support of Peter and LBF, CMA served as a VIP Cocktail Reception Sponsor. Congratulations!
City and Shore Magazine Highlights Peter Moore for Men of Style Event
CMA President Peter Moore P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP was recently highlighted in City and Shore magazine as a contender in the Men of Style charity event scheduled for November 29 at The Galleria Mall in Fort Lauderdale. Peter was nominated by the Leadership Broward Foundation who are one of the beneficiaries and where he served as Chairman of the Board. The 12 Men of Style honorees will model on the runway and nearly 1,000 people are expected to attend. In support of Peter and The Leadership Broward Foundation, CMA will serve as a VIP Cocktail Reception Sponsor. Tickets can be purchased at galleriamall-fl.com/men-of-style-2018/. For information, call 954-564-1036 or visit galleriamall-fl.com. Visit the Leadership Broward home page to see Peters latest promotional video https://www.leadershipbroward.org/men-of-style/
Chen Moore Staff Celebrated Thanksgiving Friends and Family Potluck in Fort Lauderdale
CMA staff celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with a Friends and Family Potluck in our Fort Lauderdale office on Friday. Everyone pitched in and enjoyed a variety of foods. Thank you to the Social Activities Committee for coordinating the event. We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday!