Leadership Broward Top Beneficiary at Men of Style Event

Leadership Broward Top Beneficiary at Men of Style Event

CMA would like to thank everyone who attended the ‘Men of Style’ charity event to support our President Peter Moore P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP on November 29. The event was held at the Galleria Mall in Fort Lauderdale. Peter was nominated by the Leadership Broward Foundation (LBF) who was the top beneficiary with a record breaking $95,000 in donations.  Peter previously served as Chairman of the Board for LBF. The 12 Men of Style honorees modeled clothing from Dillard’s and Macy’s department stores on the runway and nearly 1,000 people were in attendance.  In support of Peter and LBF, CMA served as a VIP Cocktail Reception Sponsor.  Congratulations!

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City and Shore Magazine Highlights Peter Moore for Men of Style Event

City and Shore Magazine Highlights Peter Moore for Men of Style Event

CMA President Peter Moore P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP was recently highlighted in City and Shore magazine as a contender in the ‘Men of Style’ charity event scheduled for November 29 at The Galleria Mall in Fort Lauderdale. Peter was nominated by the Leadership Broward Foundation who are one of the beneficiaries and where he served as Chairman of the Board. The 12 Men of Style honorees will model on the runway and nearly 1,000 people are expected to attend.  In support of Peter and The Leadership Broward Foundation, CMA will serve as a VIP Cocktail Reception Sponsor. Tickets can be purchased at galleriamall-fl.com/men-of-style-2018/. For information, call 954-564-1036 or visit galleriamall-fl.com.  Visit the Leadership Broward home page to see Peter’s latest promotional video  https://www.leadershipbroward.org/men-of-style/

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Chen Moore Staff Celebrated Thanksgiving Friends and Family Potluck in Fort Lauderdale

Chen Moore Staff Celebrated Thanksgiving Friends and Family Potluck in Fort Lauderdale

CMA staff celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with a Friends and Family Potluck in our Fort Lauderdale office on Friday. Everyone pitched in and enjoyed a variety of foods. Thank you to the Social Activities Committee for coordinating the event. We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday!

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Men of Style Event Fast Approaching

CMA President ‘Man of Style’ Peter Moore. Come out and support the 12th Annual Men of Style event at The Galleria Mall in Fort Lauderdale November 29! The event will be held from 6pm to 9pm and will include food, drinks and entertainment hosted by Diana Diaz, WSVN Morning Anchor. Peter was nominated by the Leadership Broward Foundation who are one of the beneficiaries and where he served as Chairman of the Board. The 12 Men of Style honorees will model on the runway and nearly 1,000 people are expected to attend.  In support of Peter and The Leadership Broward Foundation, CMA will serve as a VIP Cocktail Reception Sponsor. Tickets can be purchased at galleriamall-fl.com/men-of-style-2018/. For information, call 954-564-1036 or visit galleriamall-fl.com.  Visit the Leadership Broward home page to see Peter’s latest promotional video  https://www.leadershipbroward.org/men-of-style/

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CMA Staff Participated in Leadership Broward Urban and Environment Program Day

CMA Staff Participated in Leadership Broward Urban and Environment Program Day

CMA staff members participated in the Leadership Broward Urban and Environment Program Day on November 15. Safiya Brea, P.E., LEED AP helped organize the event and Brent Whitfield, P.E., ENV SP moderated the panel on sea level rise. Jennifer Smith, P.E. also attended the event.  CMA served as the breakfast sponsor. The event was held at Stiles office in Fort Lauderdale. In addition, members toured the everglades and wheelabrator that specializes in the design and fulfillment of surface preparation solutions. LBF is Broward County’s premier leadership development training organization with a 35-year history of preparing and connecting leaders from the business and civic communities to strengthen Florida’s future. For more information, please visit  https://www.leadershipbroward.org/

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CMA Halloween Costume Contest

CMA Halloween Costume Contest

It’s a BOO-tiful day at CMA!  Congratulations to our West Palm Beach office for winning the CMA Halloween costume contest today!  The winning theme was ‘All Things Florida’.  Our Fort Lauderdale staff dressed as characters from ‘The Greatest Showman’, our Miami staff dressed as ‘Pumpkin Heads’ and our Orlando staff dressed as a ‘Mariachi’ group. All of our offices also celebrated with different Halloween activities. Thanks to everyone for their creativity and participation! Happy Halloween!  

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Happy Halloween From CMA!

Happy Halloween From CMA!

Did you know?  Americans spend over $5 billion dollars annually on Halloween, making it the country’s second largest commercial holiday. In addition, a quarter of all annual candy sales occur during the Halloween season in the United States.

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CMA Donates to Hurricane Michael Victims

CMA Donates to Hurricane Michael Victims

CMA employees recently gathered supplies to donate to residents in the Florida Panhandle area after being affected by Hurricane Michael earlier this month.  The group effort also included staff members from EGS, FES and ASCE. Items included water, non-perishable food, tarps and clothing. Thank you to everyone for your generosity!

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CMA Participates in HOPE South Florida Shared Meal program

Staff from the CMA Fort Lauderdale office participated in the Shared Meal program with the HOPE South Florida Organization at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale. Through this program, our staff helped to provide approximately 120 meals to the homeless. Volunteers included Safiya Brea, Manuel Caamano, David Castro, Teresa Lewis, Natalie Mecklenburg, Ruben Soto (subconsultant), Carlos Tijerino and Johanna Zona.
HOPE South Florida is a non-profit organization that provides housing assistance and support to thousands of homeless families, veterans, and individuals. Through their Shared Meal program, they have provided over 31,850 meals to the homeless. Special thanks to our Community Service Committee for planning the event on a quarterly basis! For more information, please visit http://hopesouthflorida.org/

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