CMA Participated in Broward United Way Day of Caring

CMA Participated in Broward United Way Day of Caring

CMA continued our tradition of helping those in need this holiday season by participating in the Broward United Way Day of Caring event on November 29. This yearメs event was held at the BB&T Center in Sunrise where volunteers prepared food packages and boxed meals for the hungry. Our volunteers pictured: Safiya Brea, Karen Rachles, Kathy Horrigan, Jessica Diaz, Jennifer Smith, Ruben Soto, Carlos Tijerino and Natalie Mecklenburg. More than 700 volunteers prepared 300,000 food packages and boxed meals that were delivered to 25 local food banks and feeding pantries through United Way’s Project Lifeline program. In addition, CMA staff donated non-perishable food items. Thanks to the CMA Community Service Committee for coordinating the event! For more information, please visit

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CMA Sponsored 7th Annual Fort Lauderdale Turkey Trot

CMA Sponsored 7th Annual Fort Lauderdale Turkey Trot

CMA team members participated in the 7th Annual Fort Lauderdale Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day as a Harvest Sponsor through The Leadership Broward Foundation. The event was held at DC Alexander Park along A1A. The annual tradition attracts more than 3,000 participants including runners, joggers, walkers, friends, coworkers, and family. Proceeds are invested locally in two organizations ~ iTRACE Foundation, Inc. and Leadership Broward Foundation, Inc. ~ committed to developing leadership, inspiring community service, health and wellness. For more information, please visit

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Happy Movember From CMA

Happy Movember From CMA

In recognition of Movember, Chen Moore proudly posts our customized logo in support of menメs health. The Movember Foundation is a global charity committed to men living happier, healthier, longer lives. Since 2003, millions have joined the menメs health movement, raising $650 million and funding over 1,000 programs focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity. For more information, please visit

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Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers Installation Gala

CMA Vice President Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE ended his presidency of the Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers (CAACE) on November 15 at the Coral Gables Country Club. The key note speaker was Miami Dade Commissioner Esteban Bovo. The installation of new president Yvette Aleman was conducted by City of Doral Vice Mayor Ana Mar�a Rodriguez. Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E., Sofie Acosta and Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE attended from CMA.
The CAACE is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1961. The purpose of the association is to assist members in the maintenance of the highest professional engineering skills and to aid members in retaining and exercising those skills; to maintain and support the highest principles of professional engineering achievements; and to obtain the advancement of the science and profession of engineering. For more information about the CAACE, please visit

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University of Miami Homecoming Breakfast

CMA employees Ricardo Jimenez, EI, Greg Mendez, P.E., Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE, Carlos Morales and Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E. attended the Homecoming celebration at the University of Miamiメs annual breakfast for the College of Engineering on November 3. Guests of CMA were Juan Fuentes, P.E., LEED AP from United Engineering and Shahin Hekmat, P.E. from Thompson and Associates.

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Happy Halloween From CMA!

Happy Halloween From CMA!

Halloween is an annual holiday, celebrated each year on October 31, that has roots in age-old European traditions. It originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints; soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating and carving jack-o-lanterns. Around the world, as days grow shorter and nights get colder, people continue to usher in the season with gatherings, costumes and sweet treats. For more information, please visit

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Happy Autumn Season From CMA!

Happy Autumn Season From CMA!

Did you know… Autumn 2017 started on Friday, September 22, 2017 and ends on Thursday, December 21st 2017. In the astronomical calendar the start and end dates of autumn are based on the changing position of Earth in relation to the sun and the resulting solar events of equinoxes and solstices. In the Northern Hemisphere summer ends and autumn starts at the moment of the September equinox, which occurs every year on September 21 to 23. For more information, please visit

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The Cuban-American Association of Civil Engineers (C-AACE) Seminar Attended by CMA

The Cuban-American Association of Civil Engineers (C-AACE) Seminar Attended by CMA

Greg Mendez, Peter Moore, Cris Betancourt, Patrick Kaimrajh, Jose Acosta, Ben Chen and Pamela Mu�oz of CMA attended the The Cuban-American Association of Civil Engineers (C-AACE) Seminar ~ Future of Cuban Infrastructure In Light of Political Realities ~ at the Miami Biltmore Hotel. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart was the keynote speaker. The non-profilt organization has dedicated itself to issues affecting the engineering community, providing professional training, supporting members, and performing community outreach via academic scholarships and other initiatives. For more information, please visit

adminThe Cuban-American Association of Civil Engineers (C-AACE) Seminar Attended by CMA
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