Jose L. Acosta, P.E. and Sofia Acosta, Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E., Miguel Lockward, EIT and Carlos Morales attended the Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers’ (CAACE) Día del Ingeniero (Day of the Engineer) Gala March 25 at the Miami Airport Hilton. The event recognizes the Association’s best and brightest engineers as well as recognizing the year’s outstanding projects in South Florida, along with various awards scholarship recipients. CMA Vice President Jose L. Acosta, P.E. served as the host as the current President of the CAACE.
The CAACE is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1961. The purpose of the association is to assist members in the maintenance of the highest professional engineering skills and to aid members in retaining and exercising those skills; to maintain and support the highest principles of professional engineering achievements; and to obtain the advancement of the science and profession of engineering. For more information about the CAACE, please visit
CMA President Peter Moore Honored with the University of Floridaメs 2016 WW Gibbs Outstanding Alumnus Award
At the March 24th University of Florida ESSIE Advisory Board Meeting, CMA President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, LEED AP was presented with the 2016 WW Gibbs Outstanding Alumnus Award for the University of Floridaメs Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering. Annually awarded since 2012, this award was given for his contributions to UF, to the College of Engineering and to the Civil Engineering profession. This award is named for WW Gibbs, one of the first Civil Engineering graduates from UF (in 1909) and a World War I veteran and is intended to embody his drive to excel, his motivation to succeed and desire to help others. Congratulations Peter!

CMA Participates In ASCE Southeast Student Conference
CMA President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, LEED AP and Vice President Jose Acosta, P.E. participated again this year in the Concrete Canoe competition as part of the ASCE Southeast Student Conference. Peter and Jose served as judges and also attended the conference held at Florida Atlantic University on March 16-18. CMA Associate Engineer Mike Wood also attended and served as the safety manager in his boat for the competition. More than 1,000 students from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Puerto Rico competed in the three-day event. The winner of the canoe competition was the University of Florida. As a silver sponsor, CMA had the opportunity to host a table at the job fair held at the Palm Beach Convention Center. That table was staffed by Safiya Brea, P.E., LEED AP, Jessica Diaz, EI and Teresa Lewis. CMA interns from our various offices also participated in the event Maria Alva (FIU – Miami Office), Nick Karpathy (UM – Miami Office), Gaethan Amedee (FAU – Fort Lauderdale Office) and Vincent Locigno (FAU – West Palm Beach Office) For more information about the event, please visit

Happy St. Patrick’s Day From CMA!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day From CMA!

Congratulations to Marcus Austin, GC ~ Asbestos Abatement Contractor
Our Director of Construction Services Marcus Austin, GC has successfully tested to become an asbestos abatement contractor. The EPA program is held at The University of Florida Treeo Learning Center. Marcus is working hand-in-hand with Broward County Growth Management EPA division to train more inspectors in Broward County. Congratulations Marcus!

Chen Moore and Associates Celebrates 30 Years of Service to Benefit the Museum of Discovery and Science
Chen Moore and Associates celebrated 30 years of service to the community with a reception benefitting the Museum of Discovery and Science in Fort Lauderdale on March 10. The evening included a welcome speech from our President Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, LEEDᆴ AP and a 30-year-in-review slide show, reliving firm, employee and community involvement milestones. Proclamations from the State of Florida, Broward County and the City of Fort Lauderdale were presented to our Founder and Chairman Dr. Ben Chen, P.E., BCEE by our Vice President Jose L. Acosta, P.E. The proclamations acknowledged Benメs 40 years of service and the firmメs 30 years of service to the community and the profession. The County and City proclamations stated March 10 as Chen Moore and Associates Appreciation Day. The celebration, a ムparty with a purpose,メ raised $2,500 for the Museum of Discovery and Science. More than 100 guests enjoyed the evening.

Cuban Infrastructure Scholarship Challenge
The Cuban Infrastructure Scholarship Challenge was held earlier this month by the Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers and the Association of Cuban American Engineers at Casa Bacardi at the University of Miami. Thirty teams from 14 schools submitted letters of intent. The final six presented were from Florida International University, Florida Institute of Technology, two from the University of Florida, University of Alabama and University of Missouri. One of the University of Florida teams won.

Construction Update ~ Utility Maintenance Facility-Construction Management Project
The City of Marathon Utility Maintenance Facility-Construction Management project is being erected and on schedule. CMA is the prime consultant for construction engineering and inspection services of this pre-manufactured engineered utility maintenance facility and public works compound.

UAZ Project Team Celebrates Report Deadline
The UAZ project team went to lunch earlier this month to celebrate completing the preliminary report on time. The team put in substantial hard work to create a top quality report for the firmメs largest project to date ~ The Broward County UAZ 110/111 & 113 Water Sewer Improvements 113B. Pictured Jennifer Smith, Carlos Tijerino, Jessica Diaz, Teresa Lewis, Natalie Mecklenburg, Ashraf Iqbal, Alan Clayton, Safiya Brea and Gaethan Amedee.
ASCE Happenings
The ASCE Miami-Dade Branch held a social event last month at Biscayne Bay Brewing Company in Doral. Chen Moore was the proud sponsor! This event provided a unique opportunity for attendees to meet the various technical institutes within ASCE. Representing our firm were Jose Acosta, Patrick Kaimrajh, Sathvika Ramaji, Nick Karpathy, Miguel Lockward and Carlos Tijerino.
The Palm Beach ASCE Bowlathon was held March 4 at Cine Bowl and Grill in Delray Beach. This event is held annually to raise money for FAUメs Concrete Canoe Team and to sponsor other community events. Representing our firm were Andrew Savage, Brent Whitfield, Suzanne Dombrowski, Mike Wood, Teresa Chapman and Paula Fonseca.