CMA Sponsored and Attended Annual ASCE Conference in Jacksonville

CMA Sponsored and Attended Annual ASCE Conference in Jacksonville

Peter Moore, P.E., LEEDᆴ AP; Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E.; Ricardo Jimenez; and Jose Acosta, P.E. attended the American Society of Civil Engineers Florida Section Annual Conference in Jacksonville July 14 – 16. CMA was the conference luncheon sponsor. Jose completed his term as president of the Florida Section and also moderated the issuance of the Florida Section report card for infrastructure. He was part of the news conference and was quoted on several newspapers throughout the state and answered questions on NPR last Friday. For more information, please visit

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CMA is Recpient of the Fast Growth Award

CMA is Recpient of the Fast Growth Award

CMA recently received the Zweig Group Fast Growth Award! The award is presented to firms who achieved growth of 20% or more in a year. The Fast Growth Award gives CMA the distinction of outpacing our industry significantly with high growth. For more information, please visit

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CMA Ranked Number 32 in Zweig Group Best Firms To Work For Awards

CMA Ranked Number 32 in Zweig Group Best Firms To Work For Awards

Chen Moore and Associates placed number 32 in the Multidiscipline category of the 2016 Zweig Group Best Firms To Work For Awards! The program recognizes the top firms leading the way in creating a workplace that inspires, motivates, and rewards employees. Award recipients will be honored at the Zweig Group annual conference September 22-23 in Phoenix, AZ. For more information, please visit

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Teresa Chapman Receives Award From PAWA Gold Coast Chapter

Teresa Chapman Receives Award From PAWA Gold Coast Chapter

Teresa Chapman, associate engineer, received an award for her duties as president of the APWA Gold Coast Branch – District 10 on June 15 at the Wellington Tennis Center. Teresa served in her role for one year beginning April 2015 and previously held the role as secretary. Congratulations Teresa!

The APWA Gold Coast Branch consists of Martin and Palm Beach Counties and is a subsidiary of the Florida Chapter of the American Public Works Association. For more information about APWAメs Gold Coast Branch, please visit

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Gators Do Great Things

Gators Do Great Things

Peter Moore, LEEDᆴ AP, F. ASCE, a Past President of the Broward County Gator Club, introduced the 5th Annual モGreat Gatorヤ, Juliet Roulhac of FPL on May 12. A co-founder of the event, Peter annually assists in the planning of this event that recognizes leaders in the community, member contributions and 15 scholarship winners for students entering the University of Florida. Over $20,000 in scholarships are given out to these outstanding youths. For more information, please visit

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Corporate Run April 13 in West Palm Beach

Corporate Run April 13 in West Palm Beach

CMA participated in the Annual Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run on April 13 at Meyer Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. Team members back row left to right: Suzanne Dombrowski, Joel Brownsey, Mike Wood, Patrick Kaimrajh, Karen Rachles, Todd Nochomson, Cris Betancourt, Ben Chen, Greg Mendez, Andrew Savage and Stefan Bortak; front row: Paula Fonseca, Miguel Lockward, Susan Chen and Kyla Bortak. Congratulations to Miguel Lockward for finishing the fastest of our team and now holds that record for two years in a row! For more information, please visit

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Inaugural ASCE Miami-Dade Field Day

Inaugural ASCE Miami-Dade Field Day

CMA served as one of several sponsors for the Inaugural ASCE Miami-Dade Field Day on March 19 at Zoo Miami. Jose L. Acosta, P.E., Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E. and Miguel Lockward, EIT participated in the event and Patrick Kaimrajh and Miguel Lockward served on the planning committee.
The event was planned as a day of friendly competitions between teams from various companies and friends of the engineering and construction industries. Classic games included corn hole, a three-legged race, concrete bocce ball, water conservation relay and a pacing contest.

Donations raised for the event helped support the University of Miami and Florida International University student scholarship program. For more information, please visit

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