Teresa Mills Named Chairperson of APWA Gold Coast Branch

Teresa Mills Named Chairperson of APWA Gold Coast Branch

Teresa Mills, associate engineer was installed as Chairperson of the APWA Gold Coast Branch on April 22 at the officer installation meeting. The annual event was held at Atlantis Country Club and new APWA Gold Coast Branch Officers were inducted following their monthly meeting. Other Chen Moore and Associates employees who attended the event were Paula Fonseca, P.E., Suzanne Dombrowski, P.E. and Mike Wood. Teresa also holds the position as Secretary for the APWA Treasure Coast Branch.
The APWA Gold Coast Branch consists of Martin and Palm Beach Counties and is a subsidiary of the Florida Chapter of the American Public Works Association. For more information about APWA’s Gold Coast Branch, please visit http://apwagoldcoast.com/

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FSAWWA Region VII Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest

FSAWWA Region VII Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest

Jose Acosta, Peter Moore, Patrick Kaimrajh, Greg Mendez, Miguel Lockward, Amanda Smith, Carlos Morales, Stephanie Bou-Ghannam, Maria Arguelles and Sathvika Ramaji attended the Florida Section American Water Works Association (FSAWWA) Region VII Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest on April 16. The event, held at the Hyatt Regency Coral Gables, included networking, a cocktail reception and dinner to judge the best tasting drinking water from Region VII and raise awareness about water issues. Contest winners will represent the region at the State level during the Florida Section’s 13th Annual Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest in Orlando May 4-8, 2015. For more information, please visit http://www.fsawwa.org/events/event_details.asp?id=604325

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Annual Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run – West Palm Beach

Annual Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run – West Palm Beach

Paula Fonseca, P.E., Mike Wood, Stefan and Kayla Bortak represented CMA at the annual Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run last week in West Palm Beach. Team CMA will participate in the event held in Miami on April 23. Visit our tent at location Q09! For more information please visit https://mercedesbenzcorporaterun.com/index.php#

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Suzanne Dombrowski, P.E. Named Young Engineer of the Year

Suzanne Dombrowski, P.E. Named Young Engineer of the Year

Suzanne Dombrowski, P.E., assistant project manager, was awarded the ASCE Palm Beach Branch Young Engineer of the Year Award on April 2, 2015. The award honors excellence in civil engineering and service to the engineering profession. Suzie was presented the award at the Branch’s annual Engineers in Government Night (EIGN) event. The ASCE Palm Beach County Branch is a subsidiary of the Florida Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. For more information, please visit www.palmbeach-asce.org/

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ASCE Southeast Student Conference Concrete Canoe Competition

ASCE Southeast Student Conference Concrete Canoe Competition

Peter Moore, Maria Arguelles, Sathvika Ramaji and Jose Acosta are pictured at the Concrete Canoe competition as part of the ASCE Southeast Student Conference at the University of Tennessee on March 21. Peter and Jose and their group of judges worked through another year of concrete canoes while Maria and Sathvika participated in the conference. Of note, former Chenterns Jose Ramos and Ryan Sullivan both took home awards as the University of Florida (UF) won first place in Steel Bridge (Ryan participated) and did very well overall. For more information about the event, please visit http://www.utc.edu/college-engineering-computer-science/asce-sestudentconf-2015/

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Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers Gala

Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers Gala

CMA attended the Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers (CAACE) Gala Saturday at the Miami Airport Hilton. The event recognizes the Association’s best and brightest engineers and projects and awards scholarship recipients. Ben and Susan Chen, Carlos Morales, Jose and Sofie Acosta, Patrick Kaimrajh and Miguel Lockward attended. CMA Vice President Jose L. Acosta, P.E. currently sits as the Vice President of CAACE.
The CAACE is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1961. The purpose of the association is to assist members in the maintenance of the highest professional engineering skills and to aid members in retaining and exercising those skills; to maintain and support the highest principles of professional engineering achievements; and to obtain the advancement of the science and profession of engineering. For more information about the CAACE, please visit http://www.c-aace.org

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Team CMA Placed First in Palm Beach Branch Bowl-a-thon

Team CMA Placed First in Palm Beach Branch Bowl-a-thon

Congratulations to team CMA who won the Palm Beach ASCE Bowl-a-thon! Mike Wood, Todd Nochomson, Jason McClair and Mike Lisena bowled an average score of 178. The event was held on Saturday, March 7 at Cine Bowl and Grill in Delray Beach. Other participants included Carollo, Terracon, Kimley Horn, Wantman, Florida Technical Consultants, Collective Water Resources, ADA Engineering and Stanley Consultants. Due to the overwhelming support of all the sponsors and the excitement for raffle prizes, Palm Beach ASCE was able to award a $1,000 check to the FAU Concrete Canoe Team. Their competition begins on March 19 in Tennessee. For more information on ASCE’s Palm Beach Branch, please visit http://www.palmbeach-asce.org.

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Ranked in February 2015 SFBJ Top 25 Engineering Firms List

Chen Moore and Associates was recently ranked number 18 this year in the annual South Florida Business Journal’s Top 25 Engineering Firms list. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by licensed engineers. Additional information includes the number of regional and nationwide offices, total employment, year founded locally and top local executive contacts. For more information, please visit http://bit.ly/1F4vBTH

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