FES Broward MATHCOUNTS Competition

FES Broward MATHCOUNTS Competition

FES’ Broward Chapter MATHCOUNTS Competition was held January 31 at Stranahan High School in Fort Lauderdale. CMA staff volunteered for the event: Peter Moore, P.E., LEED AP, F.ASCE served as the co-emcee, Kathy Horrigan assisted with scoring and Joel Brownsey, EI assisted with scoring and competition control. The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that strives to engage middle school students of all ability and interest levels in fun, challenging math programs, in order to expand their academic and professional opportunities. For more information, please visit http://www.mathcounts.org/

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Future Cities Competition at FIU

Future Cities Competition at FIU

Jose Acosta, P.E. served for the second year in a row as a professional engineering mentor to Nautilus Middle School in the Future Cities Competition held at Florida International University on January 17. For more information, please visit http://aln.fiu.edu/futurecity/

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Employee Holiday Dinner

Employee Holiday Dinner

Chen Moore and Associates celebrated the holidays with an employee dinner at Pier 66 in Fort Lauderdale on December 18. The event was a great opportunity for our employees to socialize and commemorate a successful 2014. The evening included a welcome speech from President Peter Moore, P.E., LEED AP and a year-in-review slide show, reliving both firm and employee milestones throughout 2014.

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United Way Day of Caring Event

United Way Day of Caring Event

Chen Moore and Associates participated in the United Way Day of Caring event on December 5 at Osswald Park in Fort Lauderdale. Volunteers (left to right) Teresa Mills, Jennifer Smith, Kathy Horrigan, Peter Moore, Paula Fonseca and Derrick Smith were tasked with creating murals in the computer lab, painting a magnetic wall and assisting with landscaping duties. For more information, please visit http://www.unitedwaybroward.org/

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Toys For Tots Program

The Chen Moore and Associates Community Service Committee recently coordinated donations for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. The mission of the program is to collect new, unwrapped toys to distribute as Christmas gifts to those children less fortunate. For more information, please visit http://www.toysfortots.org/Default.aspx

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Jennifer Smith P.E. Named President of ASCE Broward County Branch

Jennifer Smith P.E. Named President of ASCE Broward County Branch

Congratulations to Jennifer Smith, P.E., Assistant Project Manager (third from right), who was installed as President of the ASCE Broward County Branch on September 10 at the officer installation and awards banquet. The meeting, held at Plantation Preserve Golf Course and Country Club this year, is an annual event where the new ASCE Broward Branch Officers are inducted as well as certain ASCE members within Broward County are recognized for excellence in engineering through a variety of awards. The keynote speaker was Broward County Vice Mayor Tim Ryan. President Peter Moore, P.E., LEED AP and Vice President Jose Acosta, P.E. of CMA both previously held the position of President of the ASCE Broward County Branch. The ASCE Broward County Branch is a subsidiary of the Florida Section, Region 5 of the American Society of Civil Engineers. For more information on ASCE’s Broward Branch, please visit http://www.broward-asce.org

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