Ranked in February 2014 SFBJ Top 25 Engineering Firms List

Ranked in February 2014 SFBJ Top 25 Engineering Firms List

Chen Moore and Associates was recently ranked number 12 this year up from number 16 last year in the annual South Florida Business Journal’s Top 25 Engineering Firms list. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by licensed engineers. Additional information includes the number of regional and nationwide offices, total employment, major clients, 2012 South Florida gross billings and local contacts. For more information please visit http://www.bizjournals.com/southflorida/subscriber-only/2014/02/14/ engineering-firms-014.html? surround=etf&ana=e_article

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Cristobal Betancourt RLA Named Secretary of the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

Cristobal Betancourt RLA Named Secretary of the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

Director of Planning and Landscape Architecture Cristobal Betancourt, RLA was appointed Secretary of the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (FLASLA). His term runs through November 2014.
The FLASLA is a 501(c)(6) non-profit association, operating under the national professional society, that represents the landscape architecture profession throughout the state of Florida. Founded in 1899, the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) is the national professional association representing landscape architects. For more information on ASLA’s Florida Branch, please visit http://www.flasla.org/

adminCristobal Betancourt RLA Named Secretary of the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects
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CMA President Selected to Leadership Florida Class of XXXII

CMA President Selected to Leadership Florida Class of XXXII

President and CEO Peter Moore, P.E., LEED AP was recently accepted into the 32nd class of Leadership Florida (LF). He is among 55 leaders including corporate CEO’s, small business owners, educators, elected officials and non-profit executives who will participate in an eight-month learning experience held throughout Florida. Each of the five sessions will provide a comprehensive look at Florida’s major issues and opportunities.
Leadership Florida offers a continuum of educational opportunities for Florida leaders that includes programming for college students, young professionals, new executives to Florida, Florida mayors and the annual class program for which these leaders were selected. The purpose of all of these programs is to educate, inspire, and engage Florida leaders who will work together, across their diversities, for the betterment of Florida. To date, more than 1,500 men and women have graduated from LF programs. Collectively, members of LF serve on more than 5,000 corporate and non-profit boards throughout the state, providing key leadership in their local communities and in the state. For more information about the Leadership Florida program, please visit http://www.leadershipflorida.org

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Jose Acosta P.E. Named VP of Cuban-American Association of Civil Engineers

Jose Acosta P.E. Named VP of Cuban-American Association of Civil Engineers

Vice President Jose Acosta, P.E., of Chen Moore and Associates, was sworn in as Vice President of the Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers (CAACE) on September 25 at the board installation dinner. The meeting was held at the Coral Gables Country Club and is an annual event to recognize new officers.
The CAACE is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1961. The purpose of the association is to assist members in the maintenance of the highest professional engineering skills and to aid members in retaining and exercising those skills; to maintain and support the highest principles of professional engineering achievements; and to obtain the advancement of the science and profession of engineering. For more information about the CAACE, please visit http://www.c-aace.org

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Jennifer Smith P.E. Named President-Elect of ASCE Broward County Branch

Jennifer Smith, P.E., senior engineer was installed as President-Elect of the ASCE Broward County Branch on September 26 at the awards and officer installation meeting. The meeting, held at Grande Oaks Golf Course in Davie this year, is an annual event where the new ASCE Broward Branch Officers are inducted as well as certain ASCE members within Broward County are recognized for excellence in engineering through a variety of awards. The keynote speaker was Broward County Mayor Kristin Jacobs, who spoke about the future of Broward County transit and the Wave Street Car.
President Peter Moore, P.E., LEED AP and Vice President Jose Acosta, P.E. of CMA both previously held the position of President of the ASCE Broward County Branch.
The ASCE Broward County Branch is a subsidiary of the Florida Section, Region 5 of the American Society of Civil Engineers. For more information on ASCE’s Broward Branch, please visit http://www.broward-asce.org

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Florida Engineering Leadership Institute Class of 2013 Community Project

Florida Engineering Leadership Institute Class of 2013 Community Project

For their class project, the FELI (Florida Engineering Leadership Institute) Class of 2013 selected My Angel with Paws, a non-profit organization in Deland, Florida that provides expertly trained service dogs to children and adults with physical disabilities. The class constructed a new training bridge for the organization and made a sizable donation of $7,000 with leftover contributions after purchasing building materials for the project. CMA FELI class members Michael Buick, P.E. and Jason Haeseler, P.E. assisted in the construction process.
FELI was created with the mission to transition engineering professionals into community professionals and leaders within our societies, communities and workplaces. Through its initial 10-month class, FELI enhances the leadership skills of its participants and sets out a clear pathway to put these skills into practice serving our profession and our communities. For more information about FELI, please visit http://www.fleng.org/leadership.cfm and for more information about My Angel with Paws organization, please visit http://www.myangelwithpaws.org

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ASCE Broward Bowl-a-Thon Three-peat

ASCE Broward Bowl-a-Thon Three-peat

As a three-peat this year, the CMA team won first place overall at the ASCE Broward Bowl-a-thon. The event is held on an annual basis to raise money for a scholarship provided to a Broward County resident pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering. The 2013 bowl-a-thon was held in Tamarac at Sawgrass Lanes on August 24 and successfully raised $2,000 for scholarships. For more information on ASCE’s Broward Branch, please visit http://www.broward-asce.org

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Branch Manager Named to Leadership Gainesville Class of 2014

Branch Manager Jason Haeseler, P.E. was selected to participate in the 40th class of Leadership Gainesville (LG). LG is a year-long community leadership program designed to identify, educate and develop leadership skills. Each year, approximately 40 individuals are selected to participate in the program following completion of a competitive application process. LG’s principal goal is to build a resource of community leadership on a planned, continuing basis. LG provides future leaders the opportunity to develop leadership skills by networking with individuals in the community that represent business, law, religion, civic groups, the arts, minority organizations, education, health care, government, human services and volunteer organizations. For more information about the program please visit http://www.gainesvillechamber.com/member-services/leadership-gainesville/leadership-gainesville/

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CMA International Outreach Efforts With U.S. Department of Commerce

CMA International Outreach Efforts With U.S. Department of Commerce

President and CEO Peter Moore, P.E., LEED AP, of Chen Moore and Associates, recently traveled to and Panama to participate in a trade mission led by Acting U.S. Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank. The mission was held on May 8, the first anniversary of the U.S.-Columbia Free Trade Agreement.
Essentially, the purpose of a trade mission is to gather like-minded companies and to send an envoy from the Department of Commerce to help facilitate meetings with government officials and potential business partners. Representatives from 20 U.S. companies interested in infrastructure development were in attendance at this trade mission.
During his trip, Mr. Moore attended several meetings that included business discussions with the Columbian Foreign Minister, the Vice President of Panama, the Administrator of the Panama Canal, the President of the Panama Canal Authority and the Panamanian Metro, engineers in charge of the water and power generation for the Panama Canal as well as representatives from the Civil Air Authority, Energy and Mining departments and U.S./Panama Logistics Company.
For more information about the trade mission please visit The Miami Herald at http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/05/15/v-print/3399641/us-exports-gain-in-first-year.html#storylink=cpy

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