Ranked in May 2013 ENR Southeast Top Design Firms List

Chen Moore and Associates has once again been recognized as an industry leader in ENR’s Southeast Top Design Firms list which includes Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. The firm was ranked number 69 this year up from number 74 last year. The Top Design Firms list, published annually, ranks the largest U.S.-based design firms, both publicly and privately held, based on design-specific revenue. For more information please visit http://southeast.construction.com/ southeast_top_lists_construction_firms/2013/Top-Design-Firms/001-100.asp

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FES Broward President’s Award

FES Broward President’s Award

In recognition for his dedication and diligence in planning and coordinating the MATHCOUNTS event, Shareholder Oscar Bello, P.E. received the President’s Award from The Broward Branch of the Florida Engineering Society at the E-Week Awards Ceremony & Luncheon on Friday February 22, 2013. MATHCOUNTS is a math competition held annually for middle school students. This year the event was held at Stranahan High School in Fort Lauderdale. MATHCOUNTS continues to promote mathematics, a fundamental skill for the engineers of tomorrow which Chen Moore and Associates, along with the Florida Engineering Society, is pleased to promote. Mr. Bello is active in a variety of volunteering and professional organizations, including Engineers Without Borders, Habitat for Humanity, Lego Robotics, SECME, ECOMB, ASCE, and FES. For more information please visit http://mathcounts.org/

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ASCE National Employer Recognition Award

ASCE National Employer Recognition Award

Chen Moore and Associates is the recipient of the 2012 ASCE Employer Recognition Award for Support of Younger Members. The Employer Recognition Program was a result of the ASCE Strategic Plan which called for the establishment of a program to recognize and acknowledge employers who support Younger Member participation in ASCE activities. Chen Moore and Associates was recognized for its encouragement and exemplary support of Younger Member involvement in ASCE activities.
This is the sixth time Chen Moore and Associates has been selected, including the Exemplary Support of Young Engineer Involvement in ASCE Activities and Miami-Dade County Firm of the Year in 2007. For more information please visit http://www.asce.org/

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Ranked in February 2013 SFBJ Top 25 Engineering Firms List

Ranked in February 2013 SFBJ Top 25 Engineering Firms List

Chen Moore and Associates was recently ranked number 16 in the annual South Florida Business Journal’s Top 25 Engineering Firms list. The list includes 25 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by licensed engineers. Last year the firm was ranked number 20. For more information please visit http://www.bizjournals.com/southflorida/blog/morning-edition/2013/02/the-list-top-25-engineering-firms.html

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Ha’il City Value Engineering Study Complete

Ha’il City Value Engineering Study Complete

Chen Moore and Associates worked as part of a value engineering team for a value planning and design review session for the Ha’il City Expansion project in the Ha’il Region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This first session related to the infrastructure designs for Phase I of the master development, comprised of residential, commercial, governmental and religous land uses. The infrastructure was divided into eight categories that were reviewed at length: electrical, lighting, roadway, landscaping, irrigation, potable water, sewerage and stormwater. The session resulted in numerous design suggestions and 12 value engineering proposals with a potential savings of SAR 27.9 million in capital costs, SAR 6.4 million in potential additional real estate and SAR 34.0 million in potential deferred costs.

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ASCE Broward Bowl-a-thon Champs!

ASCE Broward Bowl-a-thon Champs!

The 24th Annual ASCE Broward Branch Bowl-A-Thon was held on August 18, 2012. For the second year in a row, Chen Moore and Associates won the tournament! This event is held annually to raise money for a scholarship provided to a local high school senior or current college student studying Civil Engineering. ASCE was able to raise $2,000 for the scholarship fund! The event was held at Diamond Strikes Lanes in Pompano Beach. For more information on ASCE’s Broward Branch, please visit www.broward-asce. org

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Ranked in June 2012 SFBJ Top Engineering Firms List

Ranked in June 2012 SFBJ Top Engineering Firms List

Chen Moore and Associates was recently ranked number 20 in the annual South Florida Business Journal’s Top Engineering Firms list. The list includes 24 engineering firms located in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties ranked in order by top gross billings. This is the firm’s second year for being recognized in the list. Congratulations to all of our team members for a job well done.

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Panama Aguadulce WTP and Water Main Project Underway

Chen Moore and Associates was selected as the prime consultant for the design of the Aguadulce Water Treatment Plant in Panama. The new water treatment plant will serve 50 communities in the Provinces of Cocl�, Herrera and Veraguas with a total population of approximately 62,000 people. CMA’s responsibilities entail feasibility studies, population growth projections to the year 2040, analysis of the hydrographic basin of the Santa Maria river and the intake line; and the design of 200 kilometers of transmission lines, pump stations and a new 12,000,000 MGD conventional filtration water treatment plant. In addition, CMA will design the access roads to the intake site and to the water treatment plant facility. The scope includes all specifications and construction documents as required by the Instituto de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Nacionales (IDAAN).

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Taiwan Cross-Strait Environmental Summit

Taiwan Cross-Strait Environmental Summit

Dr. Chen recently visited Taiwan to attend the Cross-Strait Environmental Summit. He visited many places from his youth, including the Ambassador hotel, his high school and the Palace Museum in Taipei. There is only one building left from when Dr. Chen attended in 1960. He attended both middle and high school there from 1957 to 1963; now it is just a high school. There are very few landmarks in Taipei that Dr. Chen and his wife recognized, although all the street names are familiar. Dr. Chen also attended the Cross-Strait Environmental Summit. The two-day summit in Taipei attracted about 150 environmental experts from Taiwan, China and the U.S., who discussed air pollution, waste management and the potential for environmental cooperation across the Taiwan Strait, among other topics.

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