CMA Staff Attends Miami-Dade County League of Cities 8th Annual Best Practices Conference

CMA staff members Jose L. Acosta, P.E., F.ASCE, Mike Buick, P.E., Dr. Ben Chen, P.E., BCEE, Patrick Kaimrajh, P.E. and Greg Mendez, P.E. attended the Miami-Dade County League of Cities (MDCLC) 8th Annual Best Practices Conference at the Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel. Through this conference, the MDCLC facilitated a venue for Cities as well as its associate members to find a distinctive forum where views were shared. Former State Senator Christopher Smith was the luncheon keynote speaker. MDCLC was established in 1953 for the purpose of uniting the common interests of the municipalities within Miami-Dade County. For more information, please visit

CMA Staff Attends Miami-Dade County League of Cities 8th Annual Best Practices Conference