September 18, 2020
Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP
President, Chen Moore and Associates
Last week: The construction industry is always tied to the economy. Availability of capital and interest rates on the private side, decreases in taxes and user fees on the public side. While construction has generally moved along for the last six months of pandemic, I received word Friday that the State is beginning to cut back and cancel transportation projects. For those in the service industry, I’m sure not many tears will be shed, but construction has been the lone bright spot in unemployment and every dollar invested returns 7 to the overall economy. We’re close to a very negative turning point.
Looking ahead: I just can’t get over how little is being made of the census wrapping up in less than two weeks. Multiple lawsuits are trying to extend this deadline because of COVID-19 impacts, but those will likely be sorted out by next week. The nature of the Census and a hasty count would impact some deserving areas for an entire decade, limiting their ability to handle growth and care for their citizens. The next couple weeks will determine the outcome of the next decade for many Floridians.