Jason McClair, P.E., LEED AP, CFM Presents at Joint Symposium

CMA Vice President Jason McClair, P.E., LEED AP, CFM presented on Friday, June 23rd at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center as part of the Urban Land Institute of Southeast Florida (ULI)/Caribbean and the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) joint symposium. The event explored the $500 million investment opportunity in the emerging Pompano Beach Innovation District and the plan for an innovative and resilient drainage district. Jasonメs presentation covered “Innovative Infrastructure: FDOT Takeover, Transit, & Drainage.” For more information about ULI of Southeast Florida, please visit http://seflorida.uli.org/ and for more information about Pompano Beach CRA, please visit http://pompanobeachfl.gov/index.php/pages/cra/cra

Jason McClair, P.E., LEED AP, CFM Presents at Joint Symposium