Neighborhood Improvements

“CMA has been a neighborhood improvement expert in South Florida for over two decades.”

CMA has worked on Neighborhood Improvement Projects for over three decades.  CMA has an established reputation in South Florida as “Neighborhood Engineers” in older coastal communities. We earned this reputation because successfully replacing aging infrastructure in existing neighborhoods is at the heart of our experience as a company. CMA’s first Neighborhood Improvement Project was in Franklin Park for Broward County Water and Wastewater Services, and we have since designed and performed construction administration for many of the Neighborhood Improvement Programs summing approximately $67 Million in construction costs for Broward County alone. In over 34 years of experience, we have learned that although the infrastructure is very similar in all neighborhoods, each place has a specific identity and so we always tailor our solutions to each location. We have found that success of a Neighborhood Improvement Program requires coordination.  Coordination with all stakeholders, the residents, City/County officials, permitting agencies and potential developments are key to a comprehensive improvement plan. When CMA undertakes a project, we strive to understand what makes that place unique so that we can create solutions that address the neighbors needs and concerns, while making the neighborhood a better place.

Neighborhood Improvements Projects

Neighborhood Improvements