Safiya Brea, P.E., LEED AP Graduates from Leadership Broward

CMA Senior Project Manager Safiya Brea, P.E. graduated from Leadership Broward on June 2nd. The Leadership Broward Foundation (LBF) is Broward Countyメs premier leadership development training organization with a 34-year history of preparing and connecting leaders from the business and civic communities to strengthen Floridaメs future.
LBF helps emerging and recognized leaders expand their skills and enhance their knowledge of local and state issues, as well as leverage their individual passion to make positive changes in our community. In addition to providing program participants with opportunities to build strong personal and professional networks, the LBF is the single best forum for bringing the private, public and nonprofit sectors together to work collaboratively on issues vital to the future of our community. LBF programs also help foster stability and success within Broward Countyメs nonprofit community by motivating leaders to become involved as volunteers, board members and donors. For more information please visit

Safiya Brea, P.E., LEED AP Graduates from Leadership Broward