SunSentinel Mention

April 20, 2020
Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP
President, Chen Moore and Associates
Last week: What is “allowed” to be talked about in media these days? Clearly, 99% of the coverage is about COVID-19 and various government responses (and commentary positive and negative on those responses), but are we even allowed to talk about anything else? I have several friends that own a nationally recognized engineering firm that published in a trade journal a merger this past week that made their firm even better. Are we allowed to talk about the future when the present is so overwhelming? Personally, I’m happy to hear about anything that imagines a happy future.

Looking ahead: Look at the dolphins in the canals in Venice and now we can see the Himalayas from India – very popular images on social media. Honestly, I really like to think there is a silver lining to this viral cloud, but when it starts getting applied to Florida and the clarity of our canals, there is another cause. We need to thank (or blame) a lack of rain in March for the improved water quality in our canal system because a number of pollutants are pushed by rainfall. March was one of the driest on record, we’ll need some rainfall soon.

SunSentinel Mention