July 3, 2020
Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP
President, Chen Moore and Associates
Last week: With the budget (and the arguments over what was and wasn’t vetoed therein) being the headline grabber this past week, many of the accomplishments of the past legislative session came into being without any fanfare. I’m used to seeing discussion, victory laps and rebuttals each week as bills passed by the Legislature were packaged and processed through the Governor’s office, but thanks to COVID-19, bills about the environment and E-Verify largely went unnoticed. Getting signed into law is only the first step in a statute’s life. There needs to be continual debate and changes until it truly meets ours needs.
Looking ahead: In January, I flew 11 flight segments. With three trips planned to the D.C. area by early April, I thought that I’d finally be getting that long-coveted status on my airline. Instead, because of an “attend in person” meeting in the D.C. area next week and a company policy requiring seven days of isolation after a flight, I’ll be putting those miles on my truck. I was never a very frequent flyer, but at about 30 segments a year, I was a solid repeat customer. Airlines are critical. How will they survive this year?