SunSentinel Mention

November 27, 2020

Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP

President, Chen Moore and Associates

Last week: Seven years ago, a very hot social media trend was to find a bucket of ice water and pour it over your head, challenging someone else to do so. Hopefully you gave some money as well, but at least you were raising awareness for ALS, a devastating disease. Last week, Pat Quinn, the person who made the Ice Bucket Challenge famous, passed away. Pat was diagnosed in March of 2013, a month after his 30th birthday. Immediately after he was diagnosed, he decided he wanted to make a difference in the ALS community. RIP Pat.

Looking ahead: Statistics tell us there are currently more than a million job vacancies in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) industries, while at the same time only 16% of college students graduate in STEM fields or subjects. Demand for STEM jobs increased three times from 2000 to 2010 and that rate continues to increase. This coming Friday night, I’ll be participating in a virtual open house for Blanche Ely High School’s Engineering Magnet Program. As a graduate of this program, I can tell you firsthand that it has been changing lives since 1977. Check it out Friday. Go Tigers!

SunSentinel Mention