November 15, 2019
Peter Moore, P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP, LEED AP
President, Chen Moore and Associates
Last week: This past Wednesday, the Dutch Assembly passed a measure lowering speed limits on all roadways to 60 mph in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Major building projects for roads and airports have been put on hold in the Eurozone’s fifth-biggest economy as the government seeks ways to meet the mandating court order. It has also brought in changes to farmers’ working methods, for example for animal feed. These represent major economic sacrifices for climate change. What would this mean if the US had to comply? Logistics, construction and agriculture mean so much to our economy.
Looking ahead: In addition to its impact on government funding and representation, data gathered by the 2020 Census will have an extraordinary influence on both short and long-term economic activity. In fact, the business community is the largest consumer of census data in the country. Companies of all sizes rely on the Census to make decisions on opening new stores, marketing products, investing in new services for customers, and so much more. In total, businesses use data from the Census to make decisions that determine the flow of almost $4 trillion in annual private investment! On April 1, 2020, get counted! #ShapeYourFuture