Team CMA Placed First in Palm Beach Branch Bowl-a-thon

Congratulations to team CMA who won the Palm Beach ASCE Bowl-a-thon! Mike Wood, Todd Nochomson, Jason McClair and Mike Lisena bowled an average score of 178. The event was held on Saturday, March 7 at Cine Bowl and Grill in Delray Beach. Other participants included Carollo, Terracon, Kimley Horn, Wantman, Florida Technical Consultants, Collective Water Resources, ADA Engineering and Stanley Consultants. Due to the overwhelming support of all the sponsors and the excitement for raffle prizes, Palm Beach ASCE was able to award a $1,000 check to the FAU Concrete Canoe Team. Their competition begins on March 19 in Tennessee. For more information on ASCE’s Palm Beach Branch, please visit

Team CMA Placed First in Palm Beach Branch Bowl-a-thon