Great roadways form the glue that hold a successful community together by enabling safe and convenient transportation for both vehicles and pedestrians. CMA’s philosophy of transportation design involves organizing a hierarchy of streets to respond to the varying urban use and density conditions and establishing appropriate standards for each street type. CMA engineers’ designs for safety, longevity, and sustainability, creating roadways that will foster active communities. CMA has designed hundreds of miles of roads throughout Florida in the last couple decades. Our expertise includes the following services:

  • Roadway Design
  • Highway Design
  • Stormwater Design
  • Streetscape, Circulation & Roundabout Design
  • Traffic Calming Design
  • Pavement Marking and Signage
  • Aviation Related Designs
  • Greenway & Trails Design
  • Transit Design
  • Pedestrian & Bicycle Pathway Design
  • Maintenance of Traffic
  • Government Permitting
  • GIS Analysis and Mapping
  • Project and Program Management
  • Public Outreach
  • Opinions of Probable Cost

Transportation Engineering Projects
