• Water and Wastewater Master Planning
  • Pump Station Design and Rehabilitation
  • Water Supply, Treatment, and Distribution Design
  • Sanitary Sewer, Treatment and Distribution Design
  • Reclaimed Water Design
  • Trenchless Technology


CMA has worked with public, semi-public and private clients to provide a wide range of water and sanitary sewer engineering services including large scale master  planning and modeling, existing system assessments, design and rehabilitation from the level of a basis of design report through design, permitting and construction administration services. CMA has completed the following over the last decade: over 500mi pressure pipe; over 100mi gravity sewer; over 250 pump stations; large diameter pipe (24” to 72”); over 60 directional drills. CMA has also undertaken and completed several international water and wastewater projects in the Caribbean and in Central America.  In addition, CMA has worked on many septic to sewer conversion projects. making a positive impact on our environment with over 3,000 septic properties impacted.

Twenty years ago, a tug pushing a barge across Biscayne Bay ran into an access structure sitting atop a shallowly buried 72” force main. The resulting damage caused a spill of over 11 million gallons of wastewater into the Outstanding Florida Waters. The repair was performed by a design-build team, with CMA serving as the engineer of record for this difficult repair. Since that project, CMA has served as the engineer for over $200M in utility engineering projects utilizing design-build, ranging from those that were based on a performance specifications, like the $100M Outer Cudjoe Wastewater Collection Project in the Florida Keys, to those that operated under emergency timelines, like the Emergency 48” Force Main Bypass Project in Fort Lauderdale.

CMA utilizes a variety of hydraulic models based on desired analysis and client familiarity. Examples include:

  • WaterGEMS/SewerGEMS
  • WaterCAD/SewerCAD
  • Innovyze (InfoWater/InfoSewer)

CMA has been utilizing trenchless technologies for over 15 years. Examples include:

  • HDD (Horizontal Directional Drill)
  • Swagelining (Close Compression Fit Liner)
  • Pipe Bursting
  • CIPP (Cured in Place Pipe Lining)

Utility Engineering Projects

Utility Engineering